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This is how to love.

This is how to love.

What is love? and How do I know? Where can I learn... What is my love? What is God's Love, and what's the difference? Inspired by the many implications of Jesus' commandment to love one another. What is love? And how do I know. PLEASE HELP: We really need your help to survive and grow. Please consider supporting this ministry at: Video Transcript: I love I you. now before you laugh or make fun of me, or just think I'm weird, let me tell you what I mean by that first. I don’t mean it in some fake, warm and fuzzy, sentimental kind of way. And I’m not saying it just to be nice, or to look good, or to get you to like me. What I mean is, at the very least, I only want what is good for you. At the very most, I mean, i'll give myself, my life, in any way I can, for your good. And I don’t care how I feel, or how I look, or what Im getting out of it, or if I feel like it or not. Love doesn't go this way. Only this way. And who are you? Well you could be anyone. my friend, my family, my spouse, person I like. well thats easy, anyone can love the people they like. What about the person I don't like, the person who doesn't like me, the person nobody likes, what about the person I totally disagree with, the person who's completely different from me, there person I want to hate, the person everyone hates, the person who repulses me. DOESN'T matter. Love doesn't pick and choose who to love, just like the sun doesn’t pick and choose who to shine on, it just shines. And what is your good? Well it's all those little things that are gonna help us find the one thing that we all want, that we’re all searching for, happiness. as much as we can find here in this life, but more importantly, the full happiness that we can only find in the next life. and I'll love you no matter what you do, but that doesn't mean I’m going to love everything you do. Love has to be tough, sometimes even fierce. If you do anything that's gonna harm, impede, poison, delay or divert your good, or the good of anyone else's, I have to stand against it, not you. Even if it's awkward, even if it's unpopular, even if it's gonna turn you against me, for a little while. But even when love is tough, Love is always patient. That's why we have a whole lifetime. love is always gentle, kind, tender, loving, never pushy, preachy, pointing fingers, rigid or mean. and I don’t care what you’ve done, or how big you've screwed up, or how vast our differences are, or if your life is a giant, global sized disaster. love is bigger than all these things. And I don't care how worthless, or flawed, or unlovable, or insignificant, you think you may be. love breaks through all these. and if you get hurt, which we do, or get into trouble, which we do, or get beat up by the world, which we will. and you're tired, and angry, and bitter, and miserable, and scared, LIKE THE REST OF US, and feel like you’re, drifting all alone in a sea of, suffering… ill suffer with you. and if we disagree and get into those epic fights, which we will, and even if you betray me, and laugh at me, and make me look stupid, and walk away a thousand times, Ill forgive you, a million times, because nothing that could ever happen in this tiny little universe, could ever be more important to me than you. Not even myself. This is what I mean when I say I love you… but this is not my love… my love is weak, and self-centered at best. this is his love. and he said, he commanded, go out there and love one another as I loved you. so I'll say it say again even though I know i'm gonna fail at it a million times today. [I love you]
Why do I feel so empty, bored, unfulfilled, like something is missing...

Why do I feel so empty, bored, unfulfilled, like something is missing...

Why do I feel so Empty, bored and unfulfilled like something is missing, like I want something more like there's this giant hole inside me. Want to fill the hole? CURIOS? GO TO CHANNEL: Much more at: video transcript: Why do I feel so empty? bored, unfulfilled, like something is missing, like I want something more Like theres this giant, bottomless, infinite hole inside me. So I try to fill it with all kinds of JUNK, to make it go away. but these don't work, they give me a quick high, but it doesn’t last, leaving me frustrated, addicted, and wanting more So I think, maybe its me - maybe i'm the problem. I need to be bigger, better, smarter, funnier, better looking. So I build myself up, on the outside, into some PERSON that I don’t even know, that don’t even like, and on the inside, I beat myself down, sometimes severely, and I feel more empty. Then I think: Maybe If I get my shit together and have the perfect job, with the perfect life, and the perfect money, and all the perfect shiny things I've ever wanted, that will fill the hole. So I work, and I work, and I work, and I work, But these things never work out the way we want, and now I got to deal with dead dreams and feeling like a failure. And even if they do work out, and I make it to the top and get all the things I always thought would make me happy, when I get there, I look around and I say, now what? Something's still missing. Time passes, the emptiness has been sitting, festering, fermenting, farting, becoming toxic, and it changes me, making me, bitter, critical, and self-centered, and i blame everyone and everything around me for not fulfilling me. and I go from job to job, relationship to relationship, place to place, leaving a real path of, cheeriness along the way. Ultimately, Im tired, I'm done searching, I just don’t care, and I give up trying to solve the mystery of the hole, and just deal with it. I'm perfectly fine going back to stringing together enough distractions and stimulations to get me through, keeping me MODERATELY SATISFIED, until the day I die. Of course, on the outside, no one would ever know, everything appears to be going exactly how I wanted it to go, exactly how I planned it to go. A big success, the perfect facade. But on the inside, I'm all alone, and I groan. Quietly. The truth is, I can have all the pleasure, wealth, success, admiration, and all the good things in all the world, but they're not gonna fill the hole because, they're just not big enough. The hole is bottomless, endless, infinite, these are all limited, ending, finite, and only the infinite can fill the infinite. So what is it? What's big enough? What's bottomless, endless, unlimited, infinite? Why do I feel so empty? because we're made for fullness, and only God is fullness.
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